The Apple Design Award Winners - Learn More About Monument Valley and Device 6
Coinciding with the WWDC keynote in San Francisco on June 2, which featured the announcement of iOS 8, were Apple's Design Awards. The list of winners is hard to argue with; Monument Valley, DEVICE 6, Threes!, Leo's Fortune and Blek were all honoured. Must owns the lot of them.
If you're interested in learning more about these great game experiences there are two in particular we can help you with: in Episode 3 of Grab It, we featured Monument Valley on our cover alongside an extensive and exclusive making of feature on this quite brilliant game. You can grab the episode here and view the teaser trailer below.
Meanwhile, back in Episode 1 - which remains free for you to sample - we reviewed DEVICE 6 alongside an extensive interview with developer Simogo debriefing on the game's design, inspirations and the developer's future. You can grab the episode here.
Keep an eye out for the upcoming Episode 5, too, which will have some special insights into Leo's Fortune. You can sign up to our newsletter in order to get the early word on its availability.