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02 September, 2014

Grab It Features Tiny Troopers Alliance World Exclusive

For the third instalment of its blockbuster Tiny Troopers series, developer Kukouri Mobile Entertainment and publisher Chillingo is taking a calculated risk. With 7.5 million downloads already on the board, it was clear the mix of ultra-violent combat and strategy, set against a cartoony and blackly humorous tone, had hit the nail on the head. This third instalment doesn’t have a three in the title for a reason, as Tiny Troopers Alliance is veering into new territory. 

Retaining the beloved aesthetic, but taking the action online, it adds in base building, a stack of new units (including helicopters and tanks), resource management and a global metagame where teams of 50 battle in alliances for global supremacy. For Episode 7 of Grab It, we spoke in depth with Kukouri founder Kim Soares about the origins of the series, the design of the first two games, the motivations behind this spin-off title and what the future will hold. Here is a snippet from the vast feature, which also includes exclusive behind-the scenes images, music and video.

“As a business decision it was apparent that making another Tiny Troopers game would be a no brainer, but as a team we did not want to make just another version of the two previous games. What was also apparent was that the mobile games audience had shifted into the free-to-play space. The first two Tiny Troopers were both good games, but they were finite. After you had played the 30 something levels, that was it. In order to make a free-to-play game we had to jump from finite to infinite gameplay. An RTS game with base building and management features was a perfect fit.”

Be sure to grab Episode 7 right here.

   - Tiny Troopers
   - Tiny Troopers 2: Special Ops

If you were wondering who we are, we’re a AAA digital magazine that you can pick up for US$2 on the App Store anywhere in the world to get dedicated coverage of the indie iPad gaming scene. We’re trying to not only push the boundaries on what a digital magazine can be by making the reader experience feel like playing a game with dynamic and interactive video, audio and animations, but we’re also full of hours and hours of exclusive developer interviews, footage, images, insights and more. Below you will find links to each edition, including our FREE sample.
    - Episode 1 - Includes The Making of République (*free sample issue)
    - Episode 2 - Includes The Making of Oceanhorn
    - Episode 3 - Includes The Making of Monument Valley
    - Episode 4 - Includes The Making of Last Inua
    - Episode 5 - Includes The Making of World of Tanks Blitz
    - Episode 6 - Includes The Making of Magic 2015 - Duels of the Planeswalkers
    - Episode 7 - Includes The Making of Tiny Troopers Alliance and Midnight Star
    - Grab It Presents Nihilumbra - Classics Collection

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